Events & Fundraising
Staff Corner
Join the WHSA
Spirit Store
Spiritwear Sales
Represent Woodfern or Hillsborough in style & support our school
Box Tops for Education
Download the app, buy products, and scan your receipts to earn for Woodfern
Minted's Fundraising Program
With the WHSA's unique promo code, FUNDRAISEWOODFERNHSA,
you'll enjoy 20% off your purchases, and 15% of the net sales will be donated back to the Woodfern Home and School Association!
Shop with RaiseRight
Enter the WHSA's unique Enrollment Code XMR9KMYR6K71 when you create an account and give back with every gift card purchase!
Inkjet and Laser Printer
Cartridge Recycling Program
Drop off in the recycling box across from the main office throughout the year